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Ethical and Strategic Considerations in Representing Multiple Family Members on Immigration Matters (summer-fall series on trainings around immigrant victims of abuse/trafficking in collaboration with Sanctuary for Families) Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2015Time: 12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.
This training will assist legal services providers in navigating a number of difficult ethical considerations that frequently arise in immigration practice, particularly working with immigrant crime victims and other vulnerable populations. We will address common scenarios in representing multiple family members, including conflicts between primary and derivative beneficiaries. We will also address the ethical implications of consulting a potential client who is represented by another attorney, including when that attorney may have filed fraudulent petitions on behalf of the client. Finally, we will address ethical questions that arise when clients have mental health issues. The training will be conducted by Joy Ziegeweid, Esq. of Sanctuary for Families. CLE Credit: 2 credits in professional practice. This course provides transitional credit for newly admitted attorneys and non-transitional credit for experienced attorneys.
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