Dedicated to the progress and advancement of all paralegals.
This program will cover the basics of the purchase and sale of cooperatives, condominiums and houses. The panelists will review forms of ownership, pre-contract due diligence (including an overview of statutory and common law requirements, and practice tips), transfer and mortgage taxes, title insurance and lien searches. The program also will cover the contract of sale, including a review of the loan contingency and other most frequently negotiated contract provisions, general estate planning considerations, commonly encountered problems (such as combined apartments), and "how to" close a transaction. The course materials contain the latest forms and necessary check lists. This program's updated content will provide CLE credit to all attendees, even if they attended in the past.
NYC Bar Members: $399.00 Nonmembers: $499.00
* Click here to access the NYC Bar Association's scholarship and discount policy and application, including for example, a 50% discount to attorneys working for government agencies, public interest groups, full-time students and full-time academics. Discounts may also be applicable for in-house counsel and attorneys employed at small law firms.
More information and registration
For full event details, including registration information, and program agenda and faculty, click here.