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NYC BAR ASSOCIATION FREE EVENT - "Beyond the Wall: Women and Children Refugees: A Central American Crisis"

  • 31 May 2016
  • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • 42 West 44th StreetNew York, NY10036

NYC BAR ASSOCIATION FREE EVENT - "Beyond the Wall: Women and Children Refugees: A Central American Crisis"


Beyond the Wall: Women and Children Refugees: A Central American Crisis

Tuesday, May 31, 2016 | 6-8:30 PM

Program Fee: City Bar Members: Free | Non-Member: $10


Sponsoring Association Committee: Bioethical Issues Committee, Mary Beth Morrissey, Chair

Co- Sponsored By: Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York, International Women’s Rights Committee, Fordham University School of Law Feerick Center for Social Justice, and Public Health Association of New York


In October 2015, UNHCR published a study, Women on the Run , that profiles the global refugee crisis as one of epic proportions. The report particularly identifies the perils facing women and children “fleeing epidemic levels of violence, including gender-based violence in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras”, a region referred to as the Northern Triangle Region of Central America. The Central American Refugee Crisis is unique in complexity and often overshadowed by coverage of the Syrian refugee crisis. As the only viable response, UNHCR urges a “comprehensive regional approach based on cooperation, responsibility-sharing, and solidarity among all countries affected, to ensure that people in need of protection can have access to it.” What has been the multi-disciplined response in the United States and elsewhere to help these most vulnerable persons seeking refuge? Does it measure up to the UNHCR standard?


Fay Parris, Esq.,Co-Chair, WBASNY International Women’s Rights Committee


Aseem Mehta, Human Rights Advocate and Legal Fellow, Immigrant Justice Corps

Ana, National of El Salvador and Longest to be Incarcerated in ICE Detention

Allen Keller, M.D., Co-Founder/Director: Bellevue/NYU Program for Survivors of Torture (PSOT) and NYU Center for Health and Human Rights (CHHR)Mary Beth Morrissey, Esq., PhD, MPH, Geronotological Health and Social Work Researcher and Practicing Attorney Leslie Velez, Senior Protection Officer (Head, U.S. Protection), UNHCR Regional Office for the USA and the Caribbean.

Vitoria Pinhas, Esq., Interpreter, Member, WBASNY, International Women’s Rights Committee


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