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XDD WEbinat “BlackBar” – New Excel Native Redaction Tool from XDD
In the world of eDiscovery, everyone knows working with Microsoft Excel files can be a bear. With that in mind, XDD has recently developed BlackBar, a new, proprietary Excel Native Redaction Tool that empowers users to redact and produce Microsoft Excel files in native format to minimize time, cost and errors.
Fully integrated into our Relativity review platform, BlackBar is a fully defensible process that tracks all actions performed within the system. Its adaptable design fits into different workflows seamlessly, while providing full administrative and redaction functions within an easy to use interface. Users can define custom colors and patterns for redaction and redact within individual cells.
What You’ll Learn:
1. How to natively redact XLS files within the tool
2. How to optimize traditional workflow productions
3. How to produce newly redacted XLS files in Native File Format
4. How to forever banish the need to TIFF XLS files
Join XDD Excel Native Redaction Tool experts Carl Chivers and Chris Powell for a 1-hour interactive tour through this innovative, proprietary tool. Carl and Chris will be joined by selected members of the engineering team to answer any detailed questions that may be posed.
Experience “BlackBar” – New Excel Native Redaction Tool from XDD