Dedicated to the progress and advancement of all paralegals.

ESI Insight Webinar Series: The Paralegal's Role in eDiscovery with Susan Kavanagh RP CeDP CLSP

  • 20 Sep 2016
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • webinar

The Role of the Paralegal in eDiscovery.  Everything you need to log in to the program is below.  Listen to the program over your computer speakers for the best experience!

SPECIAL BONUS THIS MONTH:  Attendees of our September programs will automatically be entered into a drawing to receive a complimentary copy of  Project Management in eDiscovery by Mike Quartararo, our September 29th speaker.  We are giving away a total of 4 copies of this valuable resource to 2 attendees from each webinar.  You can register for both programs to increase your chances, and you could win more than once by attending both programs.  So, be sure to register for and attend the September 29th program on eDiscovery Project Management to increase your chances! Winners will be notified after the webinar

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