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ACEDS/CLOUD NINE - Simplified eDiscovery Automation: From Evolution to Revolution
Developed and led by eDiscovery automation professional Doug Austin, author of the industry leading eDiscovery Daily blog, this 60-minute presentation and technology demonstration is designed to inform and educate attendees on:
1. How eDiscovery Technologies Have Evolved Over the Years
2. How to Compare Technology Providers in the eDiscovery Market
3. What You Need to Know about Today’s eDiscovery Automation Technologies
The presentation will provide an overview of the evolution of electronic discovery technologies and also share with attendees ways that they can consider and compare technology offerings from the large ecosystem of providers supporting litigation, investigations, and audits. This webinar will also include an overview of the attributes of fourth generation eDiscovery automation technology as well as a short demonstration one of the tools within this growing category of offerings. Additionally, all attendees will be offered a free trial of an automated eDiscovery platform from presentation sponsor, CloudNine.
Key questions to be answered during the presentation include:
1. How do I categorize and compare the different types of technologies and providers in the field of eDiscovery?
2. What is eDiscovery automation and what eDiscovery tasks can be automated?