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Shriver Venter - Next Advocacy Exchange: Our Annual Supreme Court Recap
Supreme Court Recap: Federal Court Access Decisions from an Eight-Member SCOTUS
The 2015 Supreme Court Term was unusual because of Justice Scalia’s unexpected death and his still-vacant seat on the Court. How did this eight-member Court rule on issues affecting access to the federal courts?
Join our next Advocacy Exchange, our live monthly video broadcast with advocates advancing change. We’ll talk with Gill Deford of the Center for Medicare Advocacy, Jane Perkins of the National Health Law Program, Gary Smith of Legal Services of Northern California, and Mona Tawatao of the Western Center on Law and Poverty to get their annual recap of the previous Supreme Court Term and its implications for access to the federal courts.
And be sure to read their forthcoming article, The Supreme Court’s 2015 Term: Access Decisions from an Eight-Member Court, available on the Clearinghouse Community in early December.
Wednesday, December 14
1:00 to 1:30 Eastern / 10:00 to 10:30 Pacific