Dedicated to the progress and advancement of all paralegals.
Aceds & Logicull "Protecting Client Data in the Age of Cybercrime and Data Breach"
Cybersecurity experts are quick to point out that data is most vulnerable when it is in motion. Unfortunately, e-discovery is a process of motion. It is a naturally insecure process, vulnerable to two of the biggest threats the profession has ever faced - cybercrime and data breach.
The last 12 months alone has given rise to the first ever class action suit alleging legal malpractice for failure to appropriately secure client data, and several high-profile data breaches at top firms have caused many companies to investigate law firms’ security protocols when choosing counsel.
This CLE program will focus on steps organizations can take, and the tools it can deploy, to protect sensitive data in unprecedented times.
Attendees will learn:
Risks associated with common litigation processes
Ethical and professional duties on which data security bears
Areas of data vulnerability, including e-discovery and transfer of physical media
Considerations for securing breach points in the discovery process