NYS Courts Access to Justice Program:
Housing Court
's Resolution Assistance Program ("R.A.P.")
New Co-Sponsored Pro-Bono Initiative:
The New York City Paralegal Association, and The
Berkeley College
Paralegal Program.
R.A.P. trains volunteers to provide in-court assistance to tenants and
owners who are parties to nonpayment proceedings and are appearing
without an attorney in the
Housing Court
, Resolution Part. (Nonpayment
proceedings are cases in which an owner/landlord sues a tenant to
collect alleged overdue rent).
All volunteers are mandated to participate in one two-hour training
provided by The Honorable Fern A. Fisher, Deputy Chief Administrative
Judge for New York City Courts and Director of the
New York State
Access to Justice Program, and/or her staff.
At the training students will receive a program manual. Training topics include Housing Court Overview, Basics of Nonpayment Proceedings and Interviewing and Communication
Skills. In exchange for this free training, RAP Assistants are required to volunteer a minimum of 20 hours in the Resolution Part between May 2, 2011 and August 31, 2011 and will receive, upon request, a certificate of volunteer service upon completion of the training and volunteer hours.
Volunteers are given flexibility with their schedules and may split
their volunteer time as follows: Monday -Thursday: 9AM-1PM and/or 2:15PM to 4:30PM
Friday: 9AM-1PM. Participants may choose to volunteer in a specific borough. While the
program runs in 4 boroughs including Manhattan and Queens; the Bronx, and
urgently need volunteers. Each volunteer will be assigned to a Resolution Part of the
Housing Court
FREE- in exchange for 20 hours of volunteer service between May 2, 2011 and August 31, 2011:
Monday-Thursday: 9AM-1PM and/or 2:15PM-4:30PM, and Fri: 9AM-1PM.
Friday April 15, 2011: 130 PM to 2:00 PM (Registration) 2:00 to 4:00 PM Training Session
New York County Housing Court
111 Centre Street, New York, NY 10013
12th floor Boardroom
Please enter through White Street (between Lafayette Street and Centre Street).
RSVP: Send an e-mail to probono@nyc-pa.org to register for the training with a copy of your resume and a borough where you would like to volunteer. If you have questions you can leave a message at 516-851-4007.