Dedicated to the progress and advancement of all paralegals.
When: Monday April 6, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. PT/4:00 p.m. ET.
As a follow-up to last week’s webinar on Strategies for Providing Remote Legal Services to Older Adults, NCLER will host a live question and answer session, focused on strategies and technology-based tools that can enhance the provision of virtual legal assistance to older adults. Presenters will respond to questions received during last week’s webinar and take questions from the audience.
If you’d like to submit a question in advance of the webinar, please send it to
Closed captioning will be available on this webcast. A link with access to the captions will be shared through GoToWebinar’s chat box shortly before the webcast start time.
This training will be presented in a WEBCAST format to accommodate more participants. Due to the high volume of participants, computer audio will be the only option to listen to the presentation. No telephone call-in number will be provided. Please plan accordingly. Thank you.
This webcast will be recorded and available on our website shortly after the presentation. The recording and training materials will also be emailed to all registrants within a few days after the training.
The webcast will take place on Monday April 6, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. PT/4:00 p.m. ET.