Engaging Courts to Improve Outcomes for Self-Represented Litigants and Clients
When: Thursday, October 29, 2020, at 11:00 a.m. PT/2:00 p.m. ET.
The COVID-19 health crisis is increasing the demand for legal help. In an environment with constricting capacity due to funding shortfalls, the urgency to support basic needs, such as health, safety, and economic security, has never been greater.
In this training, presenters will share effective strategies and concrete guidance for advocacy efforts to produce lasting positive change and increase access to justice. Attendees will learn how legal assistance providers can engage in an innovative, multi-prong strategy that can improve outcomes for older adults and increase system and program capacity.
This webinar will share strategies for:
- Requesting court data to enhance research & analysis;
- Advocating for simplified alternative procedures;
- Utilizing White Papers to make the case for systemic service delivery; and
- Developing plans for appeals.
- Katherine Alteneder, Consulting Senior Strategic Advisor to the Self-Represented Litigation Network
- Sarah Galvan, Senior Staff Attorney at Justice in Aging
- Vivianne Mbaku, Senior Staff Attorney at Justice in Aging
Closed captioning will be available on this webcast. A link with access to the captions will be shared through GoToWebinar’s chat box shortly before the webcast start time.
This training will be presented in a WEBCAST format to accommodate more participants. Due to the high volume of participants, computer audio will be the only option to listen to the presentation. No telephone call-in number will be provided. Please plan accordingly. Thank you.
This webcast will be recorded and available on our website shortly after the presentation. The recording and training materials will also be emailed to all registrants within a few days after the training.
The webcast will take place on Thursday, October 29, 2020, at 11:00 a.m. PT/2:00 p.m. ET.
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