Don't miss tips and tricks you will not find anywhere else! Know what to do, even if you think you are "secure" during COVID.
This dynamic webinar shows you excellent techniques to land a new job during these turbulent times. Chere Estrin, CEO of Estrin Legal Staffing and MediSums, Medical Records Summarizing, delivers this dynamic presentation that includes:
- Little known secrets to uncover jobs not on the job boards
- How to introduce yourself to a prospective employer and make them want to invite you for an interview
- Video conference techniques to make you stand out
- How to find firms that are hiring when everyone else isn't
- What questions to ask at the end of the interview
- Writing an email that closes the deal
- The right way to today's resume
- How to promote yourself to prospect employers
- Using LinkedIn in a way you never imagined
About the Speaker:
Chere Estrin is the CEO of Estrin Legal Staffing and MediSums, Medical Records Summarizing and Co-Founding Member of the Organization of Legal Professionals. She is a former major law firm administrator, Sr. VP in a $5 billion corporation, speaker and author of 10 legal career books; Inc Magazine Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist; and has been interviewed by L.A. Times, Chicago Tribune, Newsweek and other publications.
Zoom Instructions for this Webinar:
Topic: How to Find a Job in Coronaville
Time: Mar 18, 2021 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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