Dedicated to the progress and advancement of all paralegals.
Live Video-Broadcast: December 15, 2023
Legal research as a key component for legal profession involves identifying, finding, and cite checking information and applicable laws. Paralegals and Associates need to know the sources that would enable them to work more efficiently without being overwhelmed with information. The best way to do so is to employ important research skills and utilize available tools and resources. Under this topic, we will review which research skills do paralegals and associates have, understand the tools available to them, the legal research process and its basic elements, what types of legal sources are needed, and how to begin your legal research. We will also review what free resources are available for legal research and how to use them efficiently. In addition, we will review significant factors that may negatively affect your research, including bad law. We also will cover search terms, artificial intelligence, and the future of legal technology.
Key topics to be discussed:
Date / Time: December 15, 2023
Closed-captioning available